I coined the word BestPossible to name a superlative beacon for all occasions, all endeavors,…
BestPossible Living
If there was a sure way to make the rest of our years the best they could be, who would not choose to go that way? Good news! There is such a way, and it is actually nature’s intended path for all humanity. Because we are born with only one life to live, BestPossible living makes good sense, and it’s not as hard as it may seem. Living in harmony with nature and going with the flow of nature means enjoying paths of least resistance.
By definition you can be your BestPossible self. BestPossible living is not as unusual or rare as you may assume. Nature equips us to live BestPossible lives, but our freewill calls for us to live this way by choice.
We are all artists and our own masterpieces. Through our thoughts, choices, and actions, we continually reshape who we are and will be. But our freewill lets us do makeovers any time along our life journeys. With solid foundations in reality and the meaning of truth, we will each have a moral compass that will guide our artwork as we create wholesome lives and relationships.
The outcomes of our many endeavors and journeys through time are not predestined; they are all the results of our freewill choices and actions. We can make them whatever we choose. Our lives are not events with predestined outcomes. Rather, they are lifelong series of endeavors and relationships subject to our freewill and choices. Their outcomes are largely up to each of us. When you deliberately choose to define and make BestPossible your goal, you take control of your destiny.
Liberation comes mainly from our creativity. Traditional practices confine us to traditional results. New thinking and ideas liberate us to achieve more rewarding and exciting results. The way to make steady progress is to deliberately and systematically make our BestPossibles better. A key feature of BestPossible is that it is time dependent: it changes with time. It depends on current circumstances, which are subject to nature and self-initiated change. Consequently, as we work to define and go for the best we can be, we should enjoy knowing that even as we act, we are stretching our horizons. When setting off for destination BestPossible, you will be creating personal excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence that work to enable accelerated success and a continual process of making your BestPossible better.
Mother Nature means for our lives to be wonderful and exciting and it is up to each of us to make them so. To keep wonder and excitement alive, we must move toward brightness in all that we do.
To learn more, please explore this website or purchase Discover BestPossible Living at Amazon.com.